Pisgah 99
Towering climbs, hair raising descents, blown out seldom-used forest service roads, knee-deep creek crossings, intimidating rock drops, and energy-sucking hike-a-bike....Pisgah National Forest has it all. And of course, we chose to do it all, in one day (and night). Pisgah 99 is just a route in the woods that I was lucky enough to be invited to ride by a dear friend and single speed legend, Chris Joice. I was super pumped and, admittedly, a bit nervous about this route. I think the nervousness stemmed from the fact that there was no resupply because the route is just in the national forest the whole time; there is no passing through small towns for resupply at gas stations and what not, like some of the ultras I've done. That meant I had to plan my food for 20+ hours of riding ahead of time and, as you know, if you know me or have read any of my other rambling blog entries, I hate planning! In addition to Chris, a couple of other friends who make bad bike decisions were pla...